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St. Petersburg, Florida

Murder Defense Lawyers

St Petersburg florida murder defense lawyers - Fletcher & Fletcher

Murder charges are the most serious types of criminal charges someone can face in Florida.

But just because you’ve been arrested for murder doesn’t mean you should give up hope. At Fletcher & Fletcher, we believe that when you’re accused of a crime, you deserve lawyers who will support and not judge you.

We’ve spent our entire careers in criminal defense, and we’re here to help you navigate the legal system and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

“I wouldn’t trust anyone else to represent me on my case but him.”

~ Jay M.

Murder Cases in St. Petersburg, Florida

According to Florida law, murder is defined as

“The unlawful killing of a human being:

  • When perpetrated from a premeditated design to effect the death of the person killed or any human being;

  • When committed by a person engaged in the perpetration of, or in the attempt to perpetrate” another type of crime (including arson, sexual battery, and certain types of theft, among other crimes).”



First-Degree murder

When someone:

  • Plans and commits murder (premeditated murder),
  • Kills someone while in the process of committing another felony (felony murder), or
  • Distributes a controlled substance that lead to someone’s death.

Second Degree Murder

When someone commits murder in the heat of passion or through a dangerous act that reveals their reckless disregard for human life.

Third-Degree murder

When someone unintentionally causes someone else’s death while committing another felony.


When someone commits murder without malicious intent (i.e., DUI manslaughter).

Penalties for St. Petersburg, Florida Murder Charges

The penalties for murder in Florida can vary depending the category of murder you’re being charged with, as well as the circumstances of your case.

For example, if you use a firearm while committing the crime, the penalties will increase in your case.

Penalties for murder charges in Florida typically include:

  • First-Degree murder: Life in prison without the possibility of parole, or the death penalty.
  • Second-Degree murder: Between approximately 25 years (without the possibility of parole) and life in prison.
  • Third-Degree murder: Between approximately 25 years and life in prison.
  • Manslaughter (charged as a second-degree felony): 15 years in prison, fines, a suspended driver’s license, community service, probation, etc.
St Petersburg florida murder defense lawyers - Fletcher & Fletcher

Death Penalty for Murder Cases in Florida

First-degree murder is the only conviction eligible for the death penalty in Florida.

The death penalty was reinstated in Florida in 2016 and is applied in cases that are considered by the court to be “especially heinous.”

But the sad truth is that not everyone sent to death row deserves to be there – and some were even innocent of the crime they were accused of. In fact, Florida has had 30 exonerations from death row – more than any other state in the U.S.

That’s why it’s of the utmost importance to hire a dedicated criminal defense attorney with years of experience in Florida law. At Fletcher & Fletcher, we’ll put everything we’ve got into your defense and we’ll have your back every step of the way.

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Contact Fletcher & Fletcher About Your Murder Case Today

Unfortunately, when people are arrested, the criminal justice system often throws “presumption of innocence” out the window. But you don’t have to lose hope – that’s where Fletcher & Fletcher comes in. We go to bat for each and every one of our clients because everyone deserves a defense. Contact our team today to get started on your defense.

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